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Secure Act 2.0: How It May Impact Your 401(k) Savings

April 25, 2022

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In response to the retirement crisis in America, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022 by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 414 to 5.

The bill, which passed March 29, is referred to as Secure Act 2.0 because it builds on the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019. It aims to significantly improve retirement savings plans for Americans.

The Senate working on its own version of the bill, the Retirement Security and Savings Act, is similar to the House bill. It’s expected that, after the Senate passes its version, both bills will be reconciled before being sent to President Biden for signature.

As of publication, the expected timeline for the Senate to mark up and pass their version of Secure 2.0 is sometime in May or June.

Keep reading to find out the main provisions in the House Secure Act 2.0 bill and how, if it passes, it may affect your retirement future.

Delay in Required Mandatory Minimum Distributions

The Secure Act of 2019 increased the age investors had to begin taking RMDs (required minimum distributions) from employer-sponsored plans and traditional IRAs from 70½ to 72.

The Secure Act 2.0 increases this even further:

  • For participants who reach age 72 after December 31, 2021, and age 73 before January 1, 2029, the age increases to 73.
  • For participants who reach age 73 after December 31, 2028, and age 74 before January 1, 2032, the age increases to 74.
  • For participants who reach age 74 after December 31, 2031, the age increases to 75.

The bill also has a provision that would greatly reduce the penalty for failure to take an RMD – from 50% to 25%. This excise tax reduction would be effective for tax years starting after December 31, 2021.

Higher Catch-Up Contributions

The proposed bill would keep existing 401(k) and 403(b) plan catch-up contribution limits for workers aged 50 to 61. However, it would increase the catch-up amount to $10,000 for those who are 62 – 64, starting in 2024. Under current rules, the 2022 limit on catch-up contributions for employees who have reached age 50 is $6,500, for a total contribution limit of $27,000.

Additional Catch-Up Contribution Changes

The Secure Act 2.0 will require all catch-up contributions to be made to Roth accounts, starting in 2023. This means all catch-up contributions would be made with post-tax dollars and can be withdrawn in retirement tax-free.

Employers Can Make Roth Matching Contributions

Starting in 2023, the Secure Act 2.0 would allow employees to elect that some or all of their company matching contributions be treated as Roth contributions (post-tax). Currently, employer matching contributions must be paid into pre-tax 401(k) accounts.

Mandatory Automatic Enrollment

The Secure 2.0 Act expands automatic enrollment in workplace retirement plans, requiring employers to automatically enroll eligible newly hired employees in 401(k) and 403(b) plans. Employees will be able to opt out, but automatic enrollment will be mandatory.

The auto-enrollment rate would be at least 3% of employees’ pay and not more than 10%, with an annual increase of 1% capped at 10%.

There are exceptions. Small businesses with 10 or fewer employees, companies in business less than 3 years, churches, and government plans are exempted from automatic enrollment requirements.

Part-Time Workers Get Easier Access to 401(k) Plans

In the Secure Act of 2019, long-term, part-time workers who worked at least 500 hours per year for at least 3 consecutive years (or those who have worked one full year with 1,000 hours clocked) are eligible to participate in their employers’ 401(k) plans.

The Secure Act 2.0 shortens the period from 3 years to 2 years, with the first group eligible on January 1, 2023.

Note : The above rules are the maximum service requirements that a plan can impose – employers can lessen service requirements.

Student Loan Matching Would Be Legal

For plan years beginning after December 31, 2021, the Secure Act 2.0 allows employers to make matching contributions based on an employee’s student loan payments, even if the employee is not making retirement plan contributions.

These are just a few of the provisions in the House bill that may impact your retirement planning and saving in the next few months. We will keep you posted as the Senate finalizes its version.

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Let's talk about income sources. Which ones are the most tax efficient and as a bonus a few inefficient tax strategies just to be aware of. For the purpose of today's discussion we are not going to bring wages into play here. We are talking strictly about investment income sources. Income Source #1 ROTH IRA Income is the first and most obvious choice here. The benefit of the ROTH IRA if your not aware, (which is okay if your not - we are all about education here) is that you put your money in after you have already paid taxes but anything in the account grows tax free and can be taken out tax free in retirement. There are some nuances you have to be aware of like you must wait to take your distribution until you have had the account for 5 years you must be 59.5 years old but there are also some nuance early allowances like access to your principle portion at any time. But when it comes down to the general tax fee income it is really hard to beat the benefits of a ROTH IRA . We can discuss future pro and cons at another time. Income Source #2 Dividends Stock Income can be a very tax efficient income source for a lot of people. Now to offer some clarity here we are only talking about dividend income from stocks not held in any type of IRA or other qualified plan. The big advantage here is that "qualified dividends" are taxed at Long Term Capital Gains Rates which if you read our blog-post on that HER E , you would know have some major tax advantages. For Single filers you would pay 0% from $0 to $40,000 of income. You would pay 15% from $40,001 to $441,450 and 20% from $441,451 or more. For married filers you would pay 0% from $0 to $80,000 of income. You would pay 15% from $80,001 to $496,600 and 20% from $496,601 or more. As an example a married couple with $170k in income would be in the 24% tax bracket normally but in the 15% bracket on their dividends that were qualified . That is a pretty hefty amount of income taxed at very low rates. It is important to realize this style of investing does carry market risk and you will want to make sure this fits your overall goals and risk tolerance before diving in. Income Source #3 Real Estate Income can offer some wonderful tax advantages. Investing directly in rental real estate is a great way to leverage your wealth and get tax advantaged income but with prices at record highs this may not be the best time for that. The easiest way to invest in real estate is through publicly traded REIT funds that trade on the stock market. The main disadvantage of these types of holdings is volatility. Publicly traded REITs often have a high correlation to the stock market, which may be the opposite of what you are trying to achieve with this type of investment. Instead, consider looking into non publicly traded REITS. They often have a much lower correlation to the stock market as they are not traded like stocks. They get most of their value from the underlying real estate itself and not stock market share prices. But what about the tax advantaged income? The main advantage to rental real estate income is passthrough depreciation. That depreciation is given back to you as a tax deduction in the form of "Return of investment capital", meaning that portion of your income isn't really taxed right now. So lets say you got $20,000 a year in rental income but had $15,000 in depreciation or "Return of investment capital" that would mean you are only paying taxes on $5,000 of income on a $20,000 income source. How great is that. But there is a downside too. That depreciation lowers your cost basis which can increase your long term capital gains taxes if not planned for as part of your overall financial plan. If you want to talk about if real estate makes sense for you click below to schedule a time to chat. Income Source #4 Life Insurance holds many unique tax advantages. Much like the ROTH IRA you put those dollars in after tax. Like a ROTH it grows tax deferred and the distributions can also be tax free just like a ROTH but that is where the similarities stop. Unlike a ROTH there are no contribution limits or age restrictions or holding requirements. Some types even protect your cash value from loss while others are directly invested in the stock market. From a tax perspective here is what makes this strategy so unique. We already talked about distributions being tax free but did you know when you borrow money from your life insurance as income the income you take could still earn interest??? Since it is being taken out as a loan against the account the money stays invested. If you earn an average return of say 7% but only pay 4-5% in interest you are actually making 2-3% a year on income you already took out of your account. How great is that. That is called positive arbitration. The best part is your income is tax free and when you die your beneficiaries also get the remaining balance tax free as well. Income Source #5 Social Security Income can be one of the most tax efficient sources of income in retirement. If you have ever attended one our classes on Social Security planning you may know some of this already but for those that haven't or need a recap lets dive in. Social security can be anywhere between 0% taxable all the way up to 85% taxable. But the unique thing is that social security is never 100% taxable. So at now point will 100% of your check count towards you adjusted gross income for tax purposes. How cool is that. Now how much if it that is taxed is based on provision income. If you missed last weeks video on that click HERE . But basically the lower we can get your provisional income the less taxes you pay on your Social Security which could end up being a big deal long term. These are some of the most tax efficient income sources and when planned for properly you could very well live your life free of the burden of the tax man . However, there are few sources that are not so tax efficient. Not so efficient income Sources IRA/401k Income - Yes you are reading this correctly because IRA dollars are pretax, they have never been taxed before meaning that it is very likely that 100% of that income source is taxed at your federal tax rate. Really the only way to get around this is to fall into the 0% tax bracket which may be hard for many Americans. But don't loose hope just yet. If you have IRAs/401ks talk to us about how advanced planning may help get you to that 0% or 12% rate even with an IRA/401k. Mutual Funds - One of the reasons mutual funds are so tax inefficient is because of internal turn over ratio and what I call phantom income tax. Basically if you own a mutual fund and it sells some of the holdings within the fund at a profit throughout the year you are liable for the taxes on that gain even though you didn't directly sell anything yourself. Believe it or not this can cause unintended consequences like putting you in a higher tax bracket affecting your Social Security income, IRA income etc. Certain ETF's - Certain ETF's also fall pray to this phantom income tax and may have the same unintended consequences. So can you, or should you utilize any of these top 5 Most Tax Efficient Income Sources? I hope this helps making that decision but if you still need helping figuring things out, click the button below to schedule a time to talk.
By 401k Maneuver/Royal Fund Management (Team Member) September 21, 2021
“Should I borrow from my 401(k) to get a house?” is a question that comes up quite a bit, especially with first-time homebuyers. It’s understandable because it can be difficult for many first-time homebuyers to accumulate enough savings to make a down payment. It’s standard for banks to require as much as 20% down, and with home prices on the rise, that means down payments are also higher. As a result, investors are willing to borrow from their 401(k)s to cover the down payment. In fact, the TIAA-CREF Borrowing Against Your Future Survey found that “nearly one-third (29 percent) of Americans who participate in a retirement plan say they have taken out a loan from the savings in their plan.”¹ Of the 29% who borrow from their 401(k), one-third of them did so to purchase or renovate a home.² It’s easy to see why it is tempting to borrow from a 401(k) to get a house. That doesn’t mean it is the right decision for everyone... Read More
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